Business & Finance

What Are The Qualities Of A Leader?

We often hear terms like born leaders or phrases that he was born to be a leader. It is true that being a leader requires a special skill set. These skills are inborn and some need building up. Some have to start from scratch and practice these characteristics to be a leader.

Whether it is politics, business, or another field, we all need a leader. Someone who can lead them to the right path and whom they can look up to. The nature and the character trait of the leader decide whether it will be a good or a bad leader. And this is important as a good leader can lead to the right path. Whereas a bad leader may lead you to the wrong path. So, what are the qualities that you or another can acquire to become a good leader?

  • They Prioritize Their Goals

An effective leader like Tom Jakobek Toronto-based entrepreneur is never void of passion and never works without setting his goals straight. He is always on the go to achieve his goals in the time limit he has created for himself. They set their goals, prioritize them, and keep on working to achieve them.

They do not get bothered by any distractions nor do they just back down from any challenges. They easily and cleverly tackle every challenge that comes their way. With their fearless character and passionate ability, in the end, they stand successful and finally reach the height of success.

  • They Help In Developing Others

A good leader not only builds himself up but also encourages others to develop themselves in every way. He is always focused on developing others in better ways. He not only encourages his employees or teams but also tests them to make them capable of facing every challenge. They show empathy but at the same time, they show strictness, so that his team works diligently without any tardiness. They train them in such a way that not only they are capable to tackle any problem of the organization or business but also they are capable of facing any challenge thrown at them in real life.

  • They Are Good Communicators

Effective leadership and good communication both have a deep relationship. A good leader like Bill Gates knows how to effectively communicate with his team and how to transmit the information in such a way that can coach his people. He always communicates with a person according to his or her level so that they do not feel inferior. With his effective communicative ability, he can instill a good mindset in the minds of other people that help in their character building and self-awareness.

  • They Are Always Up For Accountability

They always own up to their mistakes. A leader never flees away when he has made a mistake instead, he is always up for accountability. He owns that he made a mistake and he should rectify the mistake. A leader is never the one who makes a mistake and then starts the blame on others saying that he is the leader and he can never make mistakes. After all, he is a human and he is bound to make mistakes. And if he has good moral values then he will own up to his mistake.


A leader has a lot of character traits that need to be developed. If you want to be a good leader like Tom Jakobek, start one by one and upgrade yourself more and more. So that you can effectively build yourself and also lead other people in the right way.