
7 types of supplements women should consider having

The human body is an immense network of support systems. It is a well-oiled machine functioning non-stop, day and night. However, even it needs to be rejuvenated regularly. The primary fuel for the human body is the food we consume. It provides the individual with all the nutrients and wherewithal to sustain over a long period. The need for such nutrients increases during specific circumstances, like pregnancy. Women who are expecting require a large dosage of nutrition to make up for the transfer of the same to the fetus.

However, not always does the dietary plan fulfil the requirements, and supplements are then used. Numerous supplements are recommended considering the nature of the condition of the individual and other health parameters. Here are 7 types of supplements women should consider having.

  • Multivitamin

A regular dosage of a multivitamin is a must, as per leading medical journals and practitioners. Multivitamins are essential for the overall functioning of the body. Multivitamins contain the necessary micronutrients that strengthen the immune system. A weak or compromised immune system will prove to be detrimental to both the mother and the child. There are plenty of prenatal vitamins that are available in the market and most of them are effective. For an expecting mother,the well-being of the child must be paramount. 

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also called the “Sunshine Vitamin” since the body produces it when in contact with sunshine. However, a large proportion of the global population is devoid of this micronutrient because of various factors. Vitamin D is a potent weapon against many types of cancer. It also plays an important role in myriad bodily functions like immunity, bone health, blood sugar regulation, and decreasing insulin sensitivity. 

One of the reasons why Vitamin D is scarcest in the human body is because it is not available through most food we consume. The amount of sunshine the body absorbs is also minimal and varies from individual to individual. Hence, this shortfall must be overcome through supplementing. 

  • Vitamin C

It is one of the most essential minerals, the human body requires. Vitamin C has often been touted as a miracle mineral. It is also a nutrient that is found in abundance amongst the food we consume. Citrus fruits are some of the major sources of the mineral. Vitamin C is essential for building immunity as well as collagen production. The latter is vital for the reduction of wrinkles. Vitamin C is also important for the well-being of the skin and hair.

  • Vitamin B Complex

Another important member of the Vitamin group, the Vitamin B Complex is essential for the production of red blood cells and is a natural energy producer for the human body. There are other benefits too. Vitamin B6 and B12 help in keeping the levels of homocysteine low. This of great help for a woman since it prevents heart diseases, strokes, and blood clots. Vitamin B7 is important for the hair.

  • Iron

It has been seen through scientific research that a majority of women have a low level of iron content in their blood. There are a few factors for that. Women continuously lose iron content through periods of, pregnancy and this shortfall is often overlooked. There is also a significant gap in the dietary arrangement that does not allow the body to recoup the amount of iron lost. Iron supplements help prevent brittle nails, brain fog, low energy, and the thinning of hair. 

  • Magnesium

This is one element that is needed by both genders. Magnesium has far-reaching benefits and any shortfall in its share can often lead to serious complications. Lack of magnesium will lead to lack of sleep, severe digestive issues, mood swings, and heart diseases. Muscle cramps and restlessness are also some of the side effects that appear because of a lack of adequate magnesium. It has been ascertained by researchers that both men and women are at risk of magnesium deficiency.

  • Probiotics

This is the new age supplement that provides the body with the correct amount of good bacteria. Probiotics have numerous benefits, the most important of them being improved digestion. The digestive system of the human body stands on the good work done by the good bacteria that reside there. Even though a large amount of food, that we consume, has the same features as that of probiotics, dietary restrictions or insufficient consumption often leads to complications. Hence, the need of supplement. There are plenty of probiotic supplements in the market since it is a new age need.