Servant-leadership approximately wants to help others because of their own good and the nice of the organization. Servant-leaders aren’t servile but instead seek to recognize and meet up with the needs of the colleagues, clients, and staff. These leaders empower and develop people, practice humility, give direction, and provide stewardship.
Developing Trusted Servant Leaders: A New Kind of Leader For a fresh Sort of World
This engaging servant leadership keynote takes timeless principles of leadership and presents them in a compelling and inspiring format to encourage positive change in your organization and workplace. This presentation provides immediate and practical techniques for applying the revolutionary principles of servant leadership to the lives of each participant. This talk will immediately better your leadership effectiveness by assisting you learn how to work with influence instead of title, status, or capacity to inspire others, build a culture of trust and reach your organization’s goals.
Leadership Alive: Changing Leadership Practices in the 21st Century Global World
We are now living in the most demanding and perplexing times that leaders have ever faced. Because modern culture is changing, new leadership practices are had a need to better inspire, educate, and train the emerging Millennials and Generation-Z leaders of the 21st century. This keynote presentation is grounded after the research findings of 20 national leaders from the East Coast to the Pacific Rim. All agreed on the ONE, single, most-important, catalytic, domino-like-effect leadership attribute that effective leaders need to employ…and when they are doing, this ONE thing changes everything. This keynote speech inspires and fires up audiences to help be a difference-maker their current address and work. To get more information about, keynote speaker on servant leadership
Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow
Within this insightful keynote, talk participants discover the four keys to being truly a more effective leader: (1) knowing your strengths and (2) buying others’ strengths, (3) getting people who have the right strengths on your team, and (4) understanding and meeting the four basic needs of those who turn to you for leadership. Predicated on Gallup’s convincing research findings, this talk explores How exactly to do that in a work-team and organization in a way that is real and genuine to each unique leader.
The Caring Capitalist: A Fresh Ethic For a New World
We live in a TGIF world (Twitter, Google, iPhone, and Facebook world). It’s a location in a constant state of flux and fluidity. It’s a global filled with promise and peril, prosperity and poverty, opportunity and challenge, generosity and greed, justice and inequity. With this new global economy, we need as part of your, strong values and ethics to guide us successfully (like guard-rails on the road) in to the future of the unknown. Ethics must hook up to profits. Gordon Gekko was wrong! Greed is not good. Ethics still matters, because of folks matter. If leaders are to stay relevant, grounded and trustworthy, they need to own both “competence AND character,” rather than simply “connections and credentials.” This inspirational keynote speech proposes a fresh ethic for a fresh world (Example, Tolerance, Hope, Integrity, and Character). And this new ethic won’t disappoint the next generation of emerging leaders.